Missions March 2010

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pastor Schaller's Visit

Earlier this week Pastor Schaller stopped in Istanbul for almost 2 full days. Its incredible how much we received in such a short period of time! We really squeezed every drop out of our time together. He was such a huge blessing and encouragement to the team and the church here!
Roger and I enjoyed the personal quality time with him and with Pete Westera who was also traveling with him. They really built us up and encouraged us to continue in our work here. Its great to know that we have such an amazing Body of Christ supporting us with prayer and love!
One of the main principles that was really emphasized during their visit was the personal relationship that we are each called to have with our Bibles. This is something we are really praying the Turks grab a hold of. Having a hunger for the Word and hearing the Word leads to faith and specifically a firm doctrinal foundation built on Biblical truth. The Bible is what makes our faith tangible and real. Its what defines to us the character of God and what His thoughts are towards us. Its was provides a way of escape out of life's situations. Its what balances our emotions so that we are not tossed to and fro by them.
Seeing Pastor Schaller's life and hearing him preach, there is no doubt that his life is built on the Word and that he is still a humble disciple learning from the Lord.

The Turks really valued their time with Pastor Schaller.

P.Schaller illustrating how a dead man cannot save himself.

We love Pastor Schaller!

Pastor Schaller and our Africans!

Pastor Matti and Pastor Schaller on the church patio overlooking the Bosphorus

1 comment:

Matt and Emily May said...

awesome pictures! looks like good times!!